TTMS-PeopleProfit Selected to Partner The Prime Minister’s Trophy (PMT) Secretariat
TTMS-PeopleProfit was selected to partner the Prime Minister’s Trophy (PMT) Secretariat to conduct Employee Engagement Survey at the participating plants as a part of the evaluation for the PM’s Trophy.
Prime Minister’s Trophy is a prestigious award, given by the Prime Minister every year, to the best integrated steel plant in the country. It carries a cash prize of Rs. 2 Crore, in addition to the trophy. The award process involves rigorous assessment of excellence in overall performance of the competing steel plants against international benchmarks. The assessment criteria include factors such as productivity, financial performance, R&D, environment management, and people management, among others.
TTMS-PeopleProfit adapted its own research product CARE SURVEY©, translated it into 8 regional languages and administered it to over 20,000 employees across 8 steel plants, covering both public sector and private sector companies.
To know more about the CARE SURVEY© download the CARE SURVEY© Information Folder.