Consultant |

An alumnus of St. Stephen’s College, Delhi and IIM Calcutta, Rajeev has long and extensive hands-on experience in all facets of human resources management in large multi-national companies as well as Indian corporates.
With his rich professional background, Rajeev brings to the table a deep strategic orientation combined with an on-the-ground practicing manager’s perspective.
Rajeev has successfully led diverse HR projects and system building and implementation initiatives including:
Introduction of a performance management system with Balanced Scorecard.
Aligning the reward system with the performance assessment process.
Organization redesign for developing an SBU structure.
Introduction of performance linked salary increases and other initiatives to reward and retain high performing staff.
Formulation and introduction of Incentive Plans
Competency analysis / mapping and development plans to meet identified competency
Integrating competency framework with other processes like performance management,
recruitment and selection, potential appraisal, and career and succession planning.
Compensation Surveys, and performance and market linked annual salary reviews.
Rajeev Chopra is a Principal Consultant with TTMS-PeopleProfit.